6/5/12 :: Studio Visit & Collaboration with Chris Stain.

photo by Chris Stain

This past Tuesday I did a studio visit and created this collaboration piece above with Artist Chris Stain. The piece was created in an immediate energy, it’s a 6 tile paper composite made up of our various stencils, collaged screen prints, and hand styles. Collaborating with other artists is by far one my favorite things to do. I always absorb and retain what I learn from these multi-sensory experiences. Chris will be one of the guest artists coming into to my Street Art & Graffiti course at Long Island University Post campus this summer. Chris will be doing both a presentation on his work, as well as a technical demonstration on stencil art. LIU recently put out a press release about the course here:: http://bit.ly/L1cSAo

John Fekner is a mutual friend, and suggested that I reach out to Chris about coming into the course about a year ago. We are all teaching artists that have brought our love for graffiti and street art into our teaching curriculums. By collaborating on pieces like this we expose ourselves to how another artist works with the same medium. We have also created a solid example of complimentary stylistic variations that we can share with our students, and implement directly into class room projects.

Collaboration piece in process, laying down the stencils.

Check out Chris’s work here:: http://chrisstain.com

Check out John Fekner’s work here:: http://johnfekner.com

Link to the original post – http://wp.me/p2SFO-Jv