The Concrete to Data loge was created by Ryan Seslow & John Fekner.
Open call to submit and participate in a Concrete to Data collaborative project. Prior to the launch of the physical exhibition in the Steinberg Museum of Art participating artists were invited to generate remixes and riffs of the original concrete to data logo. The purpose of the project is to build a new visual repository of stylistic variety by using the text from the show’s title. The submitted works will form and build a collaborative online gallery on the exhibition website. The public is invited to participate. That’s right, we want you to submit. This is a call for submissions, do you want to riff, remix or reinterpret the Concrete to Data logo? Your submission can be static or animated. It can be manually generated or digital. This process and execution is open to your interpretation.
Check out some of the works submitted by: Monique Spier, Martha Cooper, Vinny Osmers, Joan L Harrison, Ryan Seslow, Adam Void, Luna Park, John Fekner, EKG & Caroline Caldwell here –
Send your piece via e-mail to – and we will add it to the gallery.
In the near future it is also our intention to show the remix gallery publicly offline in a variety of ways.