New Book Preview 

“SLOW, A Collection of Collage Works: 2014-2015”



I’m happy to announce the up coming release of my new book – “SLOW, A Collection of Collage Works 2014-2015”

The book is a do it yourself photocopied collection of black and white collage works generated between early 2014 and July 2015. The book of images reads as a series of small narratives complimentary to each other. Each page is a fragment of arrangements made from various collage and cut n’ paste compositions. The works come together from my drawings, graphic illustrations, rubber stamps, stencils and screen prints. The mixture of hand drawn work, hand-cut work and digitized print matter continues to synthesize. All of the works in this book were created on the run and in between the events of the day. I am a firm believer in the mobil studio. A physical studio is always nice but it can be redefined in an instant when you have a small bag of prints, some paper, an x-acto knife and a glue stick.

The content in the book will come to life in a new series of animations, GIFS and video art works that will be exhibited in the fall of 2015 and the spring of 2016 in NY.

The book is available in late August of 2015.

For pre-orders and general inquiry’s please contact me here –

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