Cement Keyboard Street Installation Project 2012

A New Cement Keyboard Street Installation has hit NYC in early 2012. Technology is ephemeral, and maybe more so than we think. We are co-dependent on it, and feel a certain kind of discomfort when it is not accessible (Have you ever, or recently lost your mobile phone, or had your internet access turned off?) This installation project is a metaphor for that, while examining several ways to extend and communicate with its energy. The keyboards are cast in a variety mediums, but in this specific installment, it is cement. The molds are then fractured. They are not usable in any way, yet the viewer resonates with the works as they pass them. In a strange and not so sensual way keyboards unify us as human beings, and the context of this unification is only in its infancy.

Original Post:: http://wp.me/p2SFO-Dt