Art Work of the Month :: November 2012
“iPotatoi Me” is a short video art work. It was created specifically for a one night screening and performance. The video was screened as a large back drop while the band Potatotron played a one night set. Both performances were special events planned as a part of the “Occupying Potato: The Cult of Potato Exhibition 2012” at the Islip Art Museum, Long Island, NY. The show is Curated by my friend, colleague, and Energetic Fusion / Co-Activate collaborator Jeffrey Allen Price . I am honored and excited to be participating in this amazing group exhibition.
The original “ipotatoi” piece above was created in August of 2012. It is 22″ x 30″ and consists of acrylic paint and mixed media collage on blotter paper that is used for printmaking. This piece is fueled and inspired by the potato inspired works of Price and the theme of his show. The sheer fact that the show was happening induced several ideas and opportunities for my own work. One of which was to continue to create potato inspired art. The images in the video above are the results. They consist mainly of silk screen and digital prints of existing painting fragments. This is a technique that I use often to create roughs and preliminaries for larger works but they often hold up as finished works of art. The still images were manipulated in Photoshop and then re-photographed on the screen itself to create effects. The images were then brought into imovie to create a linear sequence, pattern and overall interesting-ness. This is a single channel video piece that was later looped into a longer piece. The piece is whimsical, fun, and colorful. A celebration of art and potatoes! Our synopsis finds an array of characters joined together into a fast-moving composition to express the feelings of energetic immediacy and fun. I have thought about adding sound and may do so soon.
Link to the original post ::