Nov/December 2012 :: New Sculpture @ The Hillwood Art Museum 

::LIU Post Art Department Faculty Exhibition::                                                         November 26th – December 12th 2012 :: Hillwood Art Museum, Brookville, NY

I am currently participating in the LIU Postart department faculty exhibition this year with a new piece of sculpture. At first this piece of art was created specifically for this show, but as it expanded I began to see several other exhibition potentials. This display at the Hillwood Art Museum will function as its first stop in a new series of spaces and locations to function. The piece itself is made up of an array of re-composed wooden fragments arranged together to make up the whole. The piece is quite modular and very mobile. This was my intention as I must have knew subconsciously that the piece would somehow be living on after this show. For about a year I collected and sought after the old wooden bed frames that make up a good portion of the work. I am currently in the process of editing the written statement for this piece as it gives a very important description to the title;

“The Transmutation and Solidification of Dreams a they take Physical Form”

For more info about the Hillwood Art Museum ::

The image above is a sneak peek as the fragments expand.

Link to the original post ::