Art Work of the Month :: January 2013


A Happy 2013 to all!

Over the last month I have taken stock that I am working on an array of various projects that are equally inspiring. Some of which are commissioned projects for clients, and some of those projects have transcended into personal ideas, hence new works of art like this one. I have stated several times on this blog that I am excited and interested in how technology can create and enhance the art making process. The work of art above is an animated GIF. It is the result of three separate works of art that I have created over the last 2 years. In this case, those three images have been joined together to create this new piece itself (which also holds up as a still illustration, see it here) I have titled this piece “Travel-Faced.” It’s a self portrait. It represents the dualistic aspects of travel and the air travel experiences I have had and with observing people in various airports. We can see both pre-travel excitement, as well as post-travel exhaustion, and delayed-travel frustration on the faces of almost every person. I am not sold on the overall clarity of communication of this piece to all of its viewers, but I will work on that. I am satisfied on a personal and aesthetic level, but always strive for a bit more clarity on the interpretation part. More soon.


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