Art Work of the Month :: March 2013
The documentation phase of my new series of cast aerosol cans has begun. The images taken above and below are of sculptures. These are cast outdated aerosol cans of spray paint from the early 1990’s. I saved a few back then not knowing what would become of them. I made a few silicone rubber molds so that multiples could be cast simultaneously. I have been casting them in both plaster, acrylic resin and mostly cement. I have a lot of different plans for these pieces both indoors and out doors. (For up and coming shows and beyond.) The first public series takes place in and around the NYC boroughs. You may find one or two. Solid, dormant, and grey they blend into the concrete streets and corner spaces offering only their existence and the personal reflections they may induce into you. For me, these are offerings back into the space where I discovered their art making potential. Graffiti was one of the first art forms that I fell in love with. I became aware of that by the time I was 10 years old, and by 12 I was writing graffiti. Copying everything that I could get my hands onto until I created my own name, tag and writing style. By 16 I was all ego about it. Time passes, maturity sets in, new eyes emerge and one may realize how to extend their story and energy. I am interested in the psychology behind the story, so I want to retell it, so here I am making new works to do so. As I evolved as an artist, and continue to work in many diverse mediums, I continue to come back to the root source of my inspiration. These pieces are reflective, but they are also transcendent as I watch graffiti as a medium, sub-culture, and way of life expanding into more things than I can list in one blog post.
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