“The Discovery of the Potential of Digital Art” is the title of this new illustration as well as the title of this blog post. I feel that it fits both of these spots quite well. The image above was created fast. It was drawing on a simply piece of typing paper with a sharpie marker. It was then scanned and brought into adobe Illustrator for a live tracing. We now have ourselves a vector image with super smooth lines and edges ready for any scaling potential options.
I always save several black and white file formats (I will talk more about those formats in an upcoming post) as I never know how or when it may be used. I like to use my work in many diverse ways and drawing is the root of it all. Almost all of my work starts off as a drawing and evolves from there. I started drawing when I about two years of age. My earliest memory of being me is in the action of drawing. It is a great memory, and kind of weird (in the best way) how vivid it still is. I colorized this piece using Photoshop. This is one variation. With the software I can make tons of color studies, variations and alterations in a matter or minutes. This is attractive and inspiring. I see it as a metaphor for the infinite creativity in this world that I passionately believe in. I am going to create a series of paintings of this image using acrylic and oil paint. Part of me also wants to make an edition of screen prints. We shall see.
I am keenly aware that things are evolving in my work again and I am having a blast animating my static images. This includes new drawings like this piece we see here, but I am also diving into my archives from years and years ago breathing new life into works that still continue to inspire me. I love reinventing the wheel for myself. The power and ability to integrate, remix and re-contextualize is an attractive energy for me as an artist. GIF animations, stop motion animations, vines, and experimental video continue to expand platforms for art making on the web. This excites me. It opens more doors to learn and share. This has also transcended into the classroom for me as well as I am am now teaching a 50/50 percentage of digital to studio art based courses. Its a perfect fit. In fact, I have been living out this scenario in my imagination for several years. Funny how that works.
short-link to this post :: https://www.ryanseslow.com/GxonM