Catching Up on the To.Be aka Planeta platform

NEW – NET ART Works – May 2017

Im always looking for new ways to use the web and web tools to generate new forms of Art. Dependence on the web to make art means a dependence on electronic media like digital art, images, videos and motion graphics. My profile over at To.Be looks like this. (take few minutes to check it out) To.Be was one of the first net art platforms I learned about and began making internet dependent works with. (thanks to my friend and colleague Michael Branson Smith who continues to teach me tons of things!) Im not completely co-dependent on the web to power these pieces as I take screen recording of them in video format, and then chisel them into animated GIFs. I have a shared a few of those tutorials here on the this site. Check this one out to refresh your technique.

Im happy to say that I got to visit the awesome space and people over at To.Be here in NYC, and will be taking my current LIU Post New Media summer class there for a visit this coming week.

The pieces above were all created between May 10th – 30th 2017

More to come.