Interface Metaphors, 2017 – GIF – An Animated Metaphor
Day in and day out we are interacting with both software and hardware interfaces. Most of us don’t understand how they work, or care to, we just expect them to work, and work well on our command. Perhaps the overall concept behind what an interface is, is simply another metaphor? A spiritual metaphor about ourselves that we continuously overlook.
(I just saw your right eyebrow raise slightly as you read that).
An interface is a conduit! Just like we all are!
It is a connection point between two or more “things”. Of course in this context it is computers, smart phones or other pieces of electronic communication equipment. Hmmm, more metaphors?
An interface is a means of communication!
The word communication can be broken down to three interesting parts to further explore:
1. Comm, as in Commune = group = sharing equally.
2. Uni, as in One = Oneness.
3. Ca-tion = “tion”, which is a suffix used to connect nouns.. CONNECT.
So an Interface can be understood as a: Shared Connection with Oneness…
Lets look at it this way, an interface connects a user (you) to your device (your computer or smartphone) and assimilates the source of interaction. The interaction itself is varied into infinite examples over time. Duration plays a role as it easily illustrates the evolution of how humans have used technologies to interact with, but perhaps there has always been a deeper meaning.
An interface is a partial solution to a desire(s) as it connects the user one step further along in what it may be seeking.
Interfaces are mobile, and have been for quite some time.
Interfaces are getting physically smaller and smaller yet they allow for us to do more and more.
Interfaces now allow for us to exist and participate in augmented and virtual realities of existing and expressing ourselves.
I made this animation above with three different interfaces (including my inner-self). Software interfaces like Adobe Photoshop allow a user to create with an infinite number of layers. Layer upon layer of fragmented content can be built as they sequentially create timelines of the users history to achieve its goal. Which is really the creation and transference of a mental image, series of feelings, emotions and sentiments into reality.
Much more to come on this.