I love Mondays, I really do, but then again I love everyday. I learned quite a long time ago that its silly to define what gets done on what day of the week and what does not get done or experienced by the “end” of the week. Its a lot more fun to make one’s own calendar here in “spacetime”. (How can you not love that word?) I like to define the days with titles based on what I am working on. This is “Motion Graphic Monday” – this piece is not client work but making it helped me solve a motion graphic issue for a client. I tend to work in a seemingly reverse process, its my process, Im familiar with it and it helps me generate and execute solutions. Those solutions may be for clients, students, colleagues, family, friends and anyone that I can be of service to. Everyday is an opportunity to add to the story and or rewrite it, which is necessary on some days for sure!
The animated GIF below was created from individually manipulated frames of this image using various filters and applications. The many variations of the single frame came together to create the sequence of motion. This will not be the last iteration…
Motion Monday, 2018, Animated GIF