You knew I would! This is my first submission to GIF IT UP 2018! A great and worthy creative event that converts history into animated GIF awesomeness. Check out the details and info below.

Remember, when in doubt or feeling burnt out, make a GIF!

Here is the original image above. I selected a public domain image from Sweden. Here is the official attribution to the Author – En plansch, bild på en man som är ute och promenerar med en kvinna på var sida | Nordiska museet (Photographer)

This is outcome number 1,2 &3  above. OK, I wanted to have some fun, get a little silly and hopefully make you giggle. I cut the up in photoshop and animated the fragments in after effects. Be aware, if you are going to submit, the upload size is a measly 2MB…oof, it was a little tricky to resize the GIF with out loosing image quality, but I finally got it to work.


1. Find an inspiring piece of copyright-free / openly licensed material from Europeana CollectionsDPLATrove, or DigitalNZ.
2. Create an awesome gif.
3. Submit it for a chance to win great prizes.