The Game Begins, April 2019, is an animated video art work in progress constructed from multiple individual components. The animated clips were composed and generated with various mobile and desktop applications. They have been layered and and recomposed in Adobe after effects. The video loops repeatedly and is intended for large scale projection presentation. Iterations and experimentation of its presentation are underway.

I converted a longer video version of this experiment into an animated GIF here to give a little insight into the testing process. I teach a graduate level new media class at LIU Post in NY where we experiment with many video and animation processes and applications. The projection of video and animated works play a role in the final weeks of the course. It is one of the most important aspects of the class as it breaks free from using the hand held device, monitor or screen as a presentation tool. In this case, the video is projected directly onto 3D objects like stacked pedestals. But as a looping video published via YouTube (above) Im not convinced it can hold up in that format for long durations of time.
